Who this course is designed for
Anyone involved in cash crop farming in the Canadian Prairies. As ecoregions don't respect country boundaries I expect anyone in the Great Plains of the U.S. to be able to use this framework.
I will help you understand how grazing fits into your goals but I will be coming at it from the cropping perspective. There are many people with systems that integrate animals out there already. My focus is on making it work in systems with limited or no access to animals.
My experience is from the southern area of Alberta, Canada, just north of the Montana, U.S. border. The framework should still work for you as the focus is on you developing your own plan based on your local resources. Refer to "What you will learn" for more details.
I've put in everything I've learned from my 15 years of experiences in dryland and irrigated crops, research that I have conducted, and trusted resources. I can't possibly cover everything as every farm has it's own unique environment and economic realities. That is why I help you find your own local resources as part of this course. Unlike going to a conference and hearing a speaker, or browsing free resources online, I help you to think critically through what you are seeing and adapt it to your farm.
Refund Policy
This is a self directed course so the expectation is that you will be able to complete this on your own. Read through the "FAQ" and "What you will learn" before buying to be sure it is right for you. If after you have purchased and have come to at least one office hour session you can request a refund by email. You must request this within 7 days of purchase.
Access to Materials
You will have up to 30 days from purchase to complete the course. In that time you will have access to all of the videos and the office hours. You will always have access to the transcripts of the videos and the worksheets that you download.
Please do not distribute to others. Paying for the course allows me to continue to provide it by fairly compensating my time and expertise.
Once you have learned the Cover Crops FIRST™ Plan framework (see "What will you learn" for more details) you will be able test new ideas and update your plan each year.
Help Provided
Twice a week there will be online office hours via Zoom. Occasionally there will be times when I cannot provide the regular office hours. I will communicate with you in advance any changes to the schedule. You can use a free account from Zoom to access this. The links will be in the course.
On Monday's the focus will be on orientation for new students and on Thursdays the focus will be on creating the plan, however any questions will be answered at that time. If you want one-on-one support there will be options to pay for individual coaching sessions within the course.